Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a nice quiet affair this year. On Wednesday night we had our second annual PIE NIGHT! It's really great, we get together and have only dessert! It's much more enjoyable than trying to shove down pie after Thanksgiving dinner.
We had my brothers and their families over, Mel and her family, Scott came down too it was great to see him. Mel made her grandmothers goop. Once I tasted it I remembered it from growing up, It was delicious.!! I will have to remember it for holidays from now on. Next year the rest of you in the area have to come by. I'll send out emails earlier so you can plan on it.
Thanksgiving day we spent the whole day home alone with just Bryan and I and the Boys. We haven't down that in years. It was fun to wear of PJ's and watch the parade and football all day long with no set time schedule. It took longer to cook the turkey than I had planned and it didn't matter at all. And yes we still muscled down more pie after dinner. It had to be done.

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