Friday, March 20, 2009

Draper Temple

We were able to take the boys to the Draper Temple Open House last week. It was great. The boys really liked it and it was great to be able to show them the temple.

Better late than never

I've been meaning to update my blog for a few weeks. But haven't found the time. Lets see, from most recent to ancient history.


Ultimate bad mom day. Got up at 6:30 said good bye to Bryan, started breakfast and got boys up. Somewhere went up to my room and fell asleep (probably trying to put my socks on) should never sit back down. A 'while' later Ben comes into my room, asking if I'm taking them to school. I look at the clock in a panic, past 9 o'clock. When I asked why they didn't wake me earlier he told me. "But mom the good cartoons were on. Now there done so were ready to go to school." Very practical kids.

Last Saturday,

Had a rare night off. What did my big night entail? Making cardboard swords and shields with the boys. Brandon had gone to a Knight birthday party and the boys were all jealous of his cardboard take home toys. We spent Hours, drawing and cutting up old boxes. They had a blast. Of course the next morning I was bad mom again and slept through church even with the night off. My internal clock is all screwed up. Of course Ben always concerned with money, decided to set up a weapons shop. He started inventing unique weapons and printing his own money so he could sell his cardboard weapons. He will do great things.