Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Better late than never.
Halloween was pretty fun this year. I swore to the kids they could wear whatever fit out of the box, I was not making costumes this year. So two days before Halloween Brandon says he really wants to be Harry Potter. I felt bad since he had been an army man the last 2 years so I caved and made him a cloak and want and found him some glasses. He looks awfully cute, I think.
We took Hannan and Ammon trick or treating with us this year. Hannah said she had to be a princess so I made a princess hat and found a princess dress. I think she's found her new favorite thing. He was estatic that she got to dress up as a princess and people would give her candy. Is there anything better in the world?
I was glad than Sam actually wore his Thomas costume. I actually made it last year but he refused to wear it, so being the vain person that I am, I made poor Bryan carry it around and let everyone know I was not a looser mother who sent her child trick or treating with no costume, but had actually slaved away to make him a homemade costume. I know pathetic, but it was so cute and he wouldn't wear it. He was pretty excited to wear it this year.
So we have Brandon - Harry Potter; Benjmain - Darth Vader; Sean - Red Power Ranger; Sam - Thomas the Tank Engine; Hannah - Princess; and Ammon - Superman. We were quite the group walking down the street.

1 comment:

Mer said...

Way to go, slaving away on the Thomas costume! I bought my kids sweat pants from wal-mart. woo-hoo!