Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well yesterday was interesting. They started giving us our H1N1 shots at work, so I figured it was time to get Sam's vaccine. He is my youngest who can not get sick or his kidneys stop working. Anyway I called 3 doctors besides his Pediatrition and none of them were getting any vaccines. They said we had to go to the Health department. So I figured I was till awake (hadn't made it to bed yet after work)so I though I would 'run' him down and get his shot.
Apparently we hit a 'short line' it only took us two hours to get in to get the vaccine! They were saying last week the lines were 4+ hrs long. I guess everyone is really paranoid about this virus.
If none of us were sick before we probably will be after standing in lines with hundreds of kids to get a shot. :) If it had been any other child I would have left and made them take their chances, but I get a little worried about Sam getting sick.
The hospital has gone a little overboard for flu season. It's getting crazy. No children are allowed anywhere on the hospital premesis (unless they are pts), visitors are being limited to 2 total and they all have to be checked and signed in as not being sick in anyway. We are having a lot of mom's leave early to go home and see their families. Winter is our slow time anyway so we'll see how many people get cancelled. Our hospital will slow down because of flu season unlike the other hospitals we don't admit 'sick' patients. So all the sickies are going to Utah Valley. I may have to pick up my extra shifts at the big hospital and actually deal with sick people. Yuck. :)

1 comment:

Mer said...

We all got our H1N1 vaccines at the health department here. We got our paperwork, got in line, and before we had even finished filling it out it was our turn! It was amazing. It took the retarded lady who had no clue what she was doing more time to give us the vaccines than it did to wait in line.

Moral of the story: move to Vegas. I miss you.