Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Proud Mother Moment

Well Sam is an exceptional 4 yr old. He is teaching himself to read and write. Truly he has a gift. He loves to write and actually as very good handwritting. Yesterday Ben brought up from the basement one of the note pads Sam carries around to write on. He has decided to make a swear word note pad. It was full of wonderfully written and spelled correctly swear words. Such a proud moment.


Kristin and Isaac Alldredge said...

Christina- oh that is so funny! You have to write that one in your journal!
Hey, I watched a movie the other night and I thought of you becuase it reminded me of one of your strange, sad, unfinished movies we used to watch in the nursery at OCH. It is called "Griffin and Phoenix" with Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney. Have you seen it?

Paula said...

I think you should frame it

Marta said...

I love it!!! This is a perfect example of why I love you!!!!

Good luck on your race!! Be safe, but yet ever so competitive!!! :)

Love ya,
"Mother Hen"

(Sorry for the excalmation point overload!!)