We have been making the rounds of the stomach flu this week. Sam had it for 24 hours and I'm just getting over it. Hopefully it'll stop there but with lots of kids of just a matter of time before it spreads. I was worried the illness would shut down Sam's kidneys again, but since he hasn't finished his steroid regiment yet he seems to be doing OK. The boys are going nuts trying to figure out presents. Poor Sam can't stand it, he keeps digging under the tree and pulling all of his out and piling them up. I guess he can recognize his own name because he only piles up his own presents and begs to open up 'just one'. He is going to be fun to watch on Christmas morning. Not sure if it will live up to all the hype though.
I would like to know what it is about my DNA that triggers a baking fit each holiday season. For some reason I start cooking for Thanksgiving and can't stop till New Years. I've probably make 7-8 batches of fudge at least, dozens and dozens of breads, cookies, etc. My neighbors are all loving me because I don't want them all in the house but can't stop baking. We haven't had many nice days so I haven't attempted divinity or peanut brittle yet and it's supposed to snow until Christmas day so maybe well pass on those this year. At work I'm becoming known as the fudge lady. If there is a therapy or treatment available please let me know asap.
My shoulder is healing well. I have most of my range of motion back, but still a little uncomfortable now and then. I'm going to physical therapy 3x a week, and he says mine is the fastest he's ever seen get back to normal. So I'm busy planning my race schedule for next summer. Well I can dream at least. I've had so much time off from training I'll be starting at square one again. With a few lovely pounds from the dozens of cookies.
We got progress notes from the boys' school. They don't give grades since it a big hippi school, but they let you know if the child is progressing well and internally motivated to learn. :) Ben now thinks I'm the meanest mom ever. He is so smart but if he doesn't like something he refuses to do it so he has a few 'areas of concern' on his report. So now every day even weekends he gets to sit and write his abc's to improve his penmenship, and will start this week doing extra math problems I make up until he no longer has an area of concern and a takes little interest in the subject. I figured he needs to learn he has to do all the busy work and jump through the hoops now and hopefully when he does get graded on things later he'll be able to accomplish things. But for now I'm a really mean mom. Oh yea and for good measure he through in that I make them do all the work around the house and I never do anything. Boy I felt like I had finally achieved true motherhood. I was honored. I can't tell you how many times I said that to my mom. I'm finally a real mom.
1 comment:
There is a cure for your baking frenzy. It is my mouth and belly. They will make all of your obsessive baking disappear in a flash.
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